pen + ink on paper
Foreground for an illustration for the book project. I think there's about another thirty drawings to go...
The islands are often only visible when viewed through a telescope in reverse. This has been known to lead to some confusion.
"The initiative behind his concern with semantics was to free words of confusing sentimental or literary references, and, as with the photograms, to expose their own incontrovertible identity. The autograph character of his later novels is of several simultaneous currents of narrative and thought that may appear only obliquely related and that, together, create their own cumulative reality and sense. His whole oeuvre as a writer is like that: a continuous collage, its parts distinct but full of allusive echoes and repetitions"[Nicolas Wadley, pg. ix]
"I wanted to disinfect words, scrub them right to the very bone of their dictionary definitions. That was how - somewhat ferociously and sardonically - I invented Semantic poetry. It was meant to be funny. Both serious and funny."[Stefan Themerson, pg. xvi]
"Fiction allows you to do things that history or treatises can't - especially in the sense that you can rescue or retrieve meanings that are lost from generation to generation. These time barriers are harder to cross than geographical barriers."[Stefan Themerson, pg. xvii]